

Personal Data Processing Clarification and Consent Form

As Çeşit Mensucat A.Ş (hereinafter referred to as the Company or Shieldnetstore), we prioritize the utmost sensitivity regarding the security of your personal data. With this awareness, our Company takes the necessary technical and administrative measures to process and preserve all personal data related to you, our valuable visitors, and all individuals associated with the Company, in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data. Aware of our responsibility and in our capacity as the Data Controller, we process your personal data as described below and within the limits prescribed by the legislation.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

As a Company, we collect and process your personal data in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law"), as well as the Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce and other relevant legislation, in order to fulfill our obligations to data subjects and to provide better service. This processing is necessary for conducting our commercial activities, fulfilling our contractual obligations, facilitating payment transactions through banks, informing you about campaigns, and obtaining statistical information.

The personal data you provide may vary depending on the services provided by our Company. It is collected through our branches, offices, representatives, call center, website, website cookies, social media platforms, mobile applications, and other means, either automatically or non-automatically, and may be gathered verbally, in writing, or electronically.

Reasons and Legal Grounds for Processing Personal Data

As before, the personal data we hold will continue to be processed based on your explicit consent, the processing instructions stipulated by the legislation on which our Company relies, or within the framework of the contracts you have signed with the Company, for the fulfillment of our obligations, or if processing is necessary for the establishment or protection of a right of the Company, or provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, or if it is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company as the data controller, or to fulfill the legal obligations of the Company as the data controller, in accordance with the purposes and scope defined by this Personal Data Retention and Disposal Policy, and by implementing information security measures. Your personal data will be processed during the period necessary to complete payment transactions and throughout the period required by commercial practices, and will be retained in accordance with legal limitation periods.

Rights of the Data Subject under the Law

In this context, our valued visitors may, if they deem appropriate, apply to our Company, which is the Data Controller, under Article 11 of the Law to exercise the following rights. Accordingly, esteemed data subjects have the following rights:

a) To learn whether their personal data is being processed,

b) To request information regarding their processed personal data, if any,

c) To learn the purpose of processing their personal data and whether their data is used in accordance with that purpose,

d) To know the third parties to whom their personal data has been transferred, to request the correction of errors in their personal data, and if the data has been transferred, to request that the correction be communicated to the relevant third parties,

e) If the reasons requiring the processing of personal data no longer exist, to request the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of their data within thirty days in accordance with the Regulation on the Deletion, Destruction, or Anonymization of Personal Data, and if the data has been transferred, to request that this request be communicated to the third parties to whom the data has been transferred,

f) To object to any negative consequences arising from the processed data related to them,

g) To seek compensation for any damages incurred due to unlawful data processing within the framework of the laws.


Application Procedure


Applications regarding the relevant requests;

a) In writing to our Company's address, or

b) Using the Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or the electronic mail address previously notified by the applicant and recorded in our Company’s system. Applications made through other methods will not be considered within the framework of legal compliance and data security principles.

Accordingly, applications written in Turkish that include the requests listed below will be responded to as soon as possible and no later than 30 (thirty) days via email or physical mail, and the necessary actions requested will be taken by the relevant departments of our Company. If the preparation of the response incurs additional costs, these costs will be requested from the applicant.

It is mandatory for applications to include the following information as required by the legislation, and applications with missing information will not be processed. Accordingly, applications must include the following information and documents related to the request:

  • Name, surname, and signature if the application is in writing,
  • For Turkish citizens, the Turkish ID Number; for foreigners, nationality, passport number, or identification number if available,
  • The address for notifications or business address,
  • Electronic mail address, phone number, or fax number for notifications,
  • A clear statement of the subject of the request.

Applications will be free of charge unless the Personal Data Protection Board (“KVKK”) publishes a fee schedule, in which case responses to applications will be charged as per the announcement published by the KVKK. Our valued visitors can always contact our Company to submit the above requests via email at or by written application to the address Halkalı Asfaltı No:193 Sefaköy / Istanbul.